This is a guest post by Clement You, CPT is a personal trainer based in Singapore and fitness blogger at
Conspiracy theorists, take note. There is something very eerie going on between CrossFit and Fight Club…
Ignoring the obvious fact that their initials are backwards (CF vs. FC), there are some very compelling reasons that Fight Club is the exact opposite of CrossFit. Could this be mere coincidence?
Similarity #1
Fight Club: The first rule of Fight Club is not to tell anyone about Fight Club.
CrossFit: The first rule of CrossFit is to never shut up about CrossFit.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Although the burning question remains… if a CrossFit vegan introduces himself to you, which does he talk about first?
Similarity #2
Fight Club: You purposely try to injure others.
CrossFit: Meanwhile…
I once had a friend that did CrossFit, and he was always injured. Like literally, always injured. It never crossed his mind not to train, take some time off, or listen to his body. I guess that he wishes that he were a wounded bird in another life.
Similarity #3
Fight Club: The brown bubbly stuff is often ingested before a fight.
CrossFit: The brown bubbly stuff is excreted afterwards.
This is one of the “similarities” that I wish I were joking about. Rhabdomyolysis, a condition that hardcore CrossFit athletes are so familiar with that they “endearingly” call it “Uncle Rhabdo” is no joke. It’s a fatal condition that some people wear as a badge of honor. Because to some people, peeing brown is cool(?)
Similarity #4
Fight Club: The leader realizes he’s delusional at the end.
CrossFit: well… I’m just going to leave this here…
“We can take you from a 200 pound max deadlift to a 500-750 pound max deadlift in two years while only pulling max singles four or five times a year. We will though work the deadlift, like most lifts, approximately once per week at higher reps and under grueling conditions. It may intuit well that if you can pull a 250 pound deadlift 21 times coming to the lift at a heart rate of 180 beats per minute, then 500 pounds for a single at a resting heart rate is perhaps manageable.” – CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman
Clement You, CPT is a personal trainer based in Singapore and fitness blogger at He believes in heavy lifting, flexible dieting, the psychology of fitness and the League of Assassins (in no particular order). His previous struggles with depression and bulimia have helped his expertise and successful work with clients with eating disorders. They influence him to look deeper than exercise programming and into the intrinsic determinants of psychology and motivation on fitness success.